

n.放弃原来信仰的人( apostate的名词复数 );叛教者;脱党者;反叛者

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Different interpretations may exist , but islam is definitely not a religion of violence nor murder towards any group including apostates who leave the religion peacefully and mean no harm .
All agree , however , that repentant apostates should be spared ; the time and sincerity needed for such disavowals to count is debated .
Atheists born to non-muslim families are not considered apostates , but they can still be prosecuted for other crimes against religion .
Muslims , while averring that " in religion there is no compulsion " , did the like to them and to hindus , and put to death apostates from islam .
And muslims who object are apostates .
I labored with these apostates myself until I was out of all manner of patience ; and then I sent my brother hyrum , whom they virtually kicked out of doors .
Also , at the opposite end of the spectrum , there are muslim doubters , revisionists and reformers , who have had to mute their voices for fear of being branded apostates .
Al-qaeda has woven many strands of grievance into a simple single narrative : islam is under attack from all sides ; america , the west , the jews ( along with puppet arab leaders and treacherous shias ) are to blame ; it is the duty of every muslim to fight them ; and muslims who object are apostates .
Christianity today has none of these violent characteristics against apostates .
That is recorded in sahih al-bukhari has recently surfaced and is being circulated by some apostates from .