More fundamentally , is it safe to assume that monetary policy is an apolitical activity and that central bankers are objective arbiters of what is best for the national interest ?
In a system that seeks to control everything , ms applebaum points out , any sort of spontaneity or individuality , however apolitical , becomes a form of protest .
Only an objective and apolitical imf will retain its credibility to serve the international community as the platform of economic co-operation .
Iraqi prime minister nouri al-maliki in his speech stressed on the parade : " in the new iraq army apolitical , we are professional , established on the basis of nationalism army , and insisted that the military alliance with any political party principles . "
Mr romney promises to appoint apolitical technocrats to the latter , and to require that any agency that issues a costly new regulation repeal something else of equal cost .
I don 't assume I 'm the smartest person in the room , and I generally take the opinions of others at face value ( this is where being apolitical can be painful , but only in the short term ) .
Mr wu had already paid several visits to hong kong , both before and after its return to chinese sovereignty in 1997 . And in any case , hong kong , at least in theory , runs an independent and apolitical immigration policy .
Many iraqi sunnis have in their turn been killed-for revenge or as part of a campaign of ethnic cleansing-by iraqi shias , sometimes actingalone and sometimes at the bidding of organised militias , often with links to apolitical party or to iraq 's government .