No matter how long a woman takes an ssri antidepressant to ease severe premenstrual symptoms , relapse is likely once she stop staking the medication .
Information on antidepressant medication was taken from the country 's national prescription register .
Sometimes stimulants , antianxiety medications , or other medications are used in conjunction with an antidepressant , especially if the patient has a coexisting mental or physical disorder .
And if you see a child with depressive symptoms or an irritability that would represent depression , then one naturally might think well let us treat that with an antidepressant .
In usa today , a widely read newspaper , dr robinson insisted that " every stroke patient who can tolerate an antidepressant should be given one " .
Half the women were given the antidepressant effexor , which has been shown to reduce hot flashes in breast cancer patients .
The concept works on the same principle as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors ( ssris ) , such as popular antidepressant prozac .
A study this month found that more than 60 percent of patients over 65 experience moderate or major side effects the first time they are prescribed an antidepressant .
A " black box " - the most serious type of warning that a prescription drug can have-has been added to the labels of antidepressant medications .
The drug , which is related to the antidepressant family , affects serotonin and several other brain chemicals , though it 's not clear how that increases sex drive .