
anthers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Inflorescences heads or complex thyrsoid structures ; anthers 1-loculed .
- 花序头状花序或复合聚伞圆锥花序结构;花药1室。
- Corona lobes subulate or threadlike , longer than anthers .
- 副花冠裂片钻形的或线状,长于花药。
- Seed distinctly pitted ; anthers ca. 0.2 mm .
- 种子清楚的具洼点花药长约0.2毫米。
- Anthers borne on staminal column apex .
- 花药生雄蕊柱先端。
- With stamens united by their anthers .
- 具花药联合的雄蕊。
- The blackish anthers are striking among the white raceme hairs .
- 微黑的花药正在白色的总状花序毛中罢工。
- Inflorescences 2-bracteate , bracts foliaceous and anthers shorter than 1 mm .
- 花序2具苞片,苞片和1毫米的花药短于。
- Poricidal anthers , characteristic of ericaceae ; pollens often sticky to each other .
- 花药顶裂是杜鹃花科的特徵,花粉常会相黏。
- With the stigma receptive before the anthers release pollen .
- 柱头在花药释放花粉前即可受粉。
- 2 Filaments pubescent , 2 glabrous ; anthers apiculate .
- 2花丝短柔毛,2无毛;花药具细尖。