
[əˈnuɪtɪ, əˈnju-]

annuity 记忆方法
ann enn annuity年金;养老金n.
annu 年,一年 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 每年都有的东西 → 年金
annuity 变化形式
复数: annuities


annuity 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- So annuity schemes are a natural supplement for retirement income .
- 所以年金计划是对退休收入一个自然补贴。
- But some of zhaohang village 's 4000 people weren 't included in what residents said was enrollment in an insurance and annuity program .
- 但该村的4000名居民中,有一些并未被包括进一个村民们所说的保险和养老金计划。
- The dividend cut was a bitter blow for small investors who had come to view ge stock as tantamount to an annuity .
- 此举对于那些将ge股票视为养老金的小户投资者们无疑是重重一击。
- Traditionally , men have received higher annuity payouts because their life expectancy is shorter .
- 传统意义上,因为男人的平均寿命更短,他们会得到较高的年金收入。
- I processed requests for distributions from our annuity policy holders around the country .
- 我处理来自国内投保人年金分配的请求。
- This reflects the fact that most britons use their pension pot to buy an annuity .
- 这表明大多数英国人用他们的养老金来购买年金。
- My pension has plummeted and now I have to buy an annuity
- 我的退休金暴跌,现在必须去买一份年金(annuity)了。
- Previously most people used their pension fund to buy one guaranteed annuity that paid a fixed income for life .
- 以前多数人用退休基金购买保证年金,为余生获得固定收入。
- Struggling asset markets mean they build up a smaller pension pot ; low bond yields mean the annuity income from that pot is lower .
- 困难重重的资产市场意味着他们建立的养老金池更小,低债券收益率意味着从养老金池获得的年金更低。
- Your employer pension is an annuity that gives you a steady " paycheck " for your retirement .
- 企业年金是给在你退休后固定给你薪水的一种养老金。