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v.宣布,宣告,发表( announce的现在分词 );(尤指通过广播)通知;通报…到达;声称

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President obama applauds as he and janet yellen leave after announcing her nomination as federal reserve chairman in the state dining room of the white house .
In other words , even if schulze got board approval today , it 's highly unlikely that he 'd be announcing private equity names tomorrow .
In announcing the committee , the bba said that the " authorities " were " engaged " with the initiative .
The company has also made a play in the server businesses , announcing plans earlier this month to partner with emc ( emc ) to develop servers for emc storage units .
The second is in belly , a chicago-based customer loyalty and marketing platform that today is announcing $ 12.1 million in new vc funding .
Markell first met sonne two years ago just as he was announcing his chair 's initiative , " a better bottom line : employing people with disabilities . "
In a companywide email announcing ahrendts 's hiring , cook wrote that she " places the same strong emphasis as we do on the customer experience . "
In announcing the completion of its network roll out in september , the company said it had enabled over 5 million connections during the previous 10 months .
Now the job is all whitman 's. during the company 's conference call announcing her appointment , new executive chairman ray lane said , " meg is a technology visionary with a proven track record of execution . "
The company 's statement comes three days before its heavily attended annual meeting in omaha and four weeks to the day after buffett shocked investors by announcing sokol 's departure .