Flowers candles and a small polish flag with the anchor symbolizing the polish resistance now decorate the gravesite .
On wednesday , mr. sanchez ended two months as an interim prime-time anchor .
The government hopes to anchor the guidelines in a change of official policy to be debated in parliament in september .
The city of seoul south korea is nearing completion of three huge floating islands that it will anchor in the river han .
The multi-use trail will connect the west side to areas near the lake and the loop , and the anchor parks will link the trail to l train stations and major bus stops .
The existence of wildly different models takes away this intellectual anchor and this translates into more market volatility .
Directing the talk is mr. meng , a bald , witty former news anchor .
Idle ships are now stretched in rows outside singapore 's harbour , creating an eerie silhouette like a vast naval fleet at anchor .
A remarkable sight in singapore is possibly the largest fleet ever gathered : hundreds of supertankers and bulk carriers from around the world , lying idly at anchor .