anaemia 怎么读,anaemia 的音标和真人发音
anaemia 变化形式 易混淆的单词: Anaemia
anaemia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 Being tired all the time is often put down to anaemia and women think they should take more iron , but that could do more harm than good . 女人总将长时间的疲劳归因于贫血,自以为多摄入点铁元素就没事了,但是这样做弊多利少。 And anaemia is not a trivial thing . 贫血可不是件小事。 In egypt , peru and mexico , about half the women with anaemia are overweight or obese . 在埃及、秘鲁和墨西哥,约半数患贫血症的妇女体重过重或有肥胖症。 But the onset of anaemia soon put a limit on the amount that sellers could provide . 但贫血限制了卖血者的可买血量。 The basic facts of gm 's predicament are well known : the recession killed a company bled to anaemia by its incapacity to make cars people would buy . 通用汽车陷入困境的基本事实已是众所周知:经济衰退扼杀了一家失血过多以至贫血的公司,这家公司没有能力制造出人们愿意买的汽车。 The system could also diagnose sickle-cell anaemia from blood samples , while fluorescent images of a stained sputum smear were sufficient to identify the presence of tuberculosis . 用这个方法能从血液样本中查出镰刀形红细胞贫血症,染色唾液涂片的荧光图像还能诊断出是否得了肺结核。 In a report in the journal nature , researchers describe how they took skin and hair cells from six patients with a rare inherited blood disorder called fanconi anaemia . 在《nature》杂志的一篇报导中,研究者描述了他们如何从6个患有范康尼贫血症(一种罕见的遗传血液疾病)的患者身上提取皮肤和头发细胞。 Millions of fish were killed last year when a virus called infectious salmon anaemia swept through chile 's salmon farms . 去年传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒席卷了智利的鲑鱼养殖场,数百万鲑鱼死亡。 Early trials have shown promise in treating sickle-cell anaemia , a disease caused by a faulty haemoglobin gene . 早期试验显示,这也许能用于治疗由基因表达错误引起的贫血。 Puerto montt , chile : biologists inject the anti-isa virus vaccine ( infectious salmon anaemia ) into a salmon 智利.蒙特港(puertomontt):生物学家在给鲑鱼注射抗传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒疫苗。