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altavista 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Once upon a time , there was a search engine called altavista .
Do you know that altavista , the omnipotent web search platform before google awakened , is still online ?
Bought out overture they rolled some of the altavista technology into yahoo ! Search , and occasionally use altavista as a testing platform .
For example , the altavista index has recently been increased to top out at 350 million pages .
Collecta 's team includes ceo gerry campbell , formerly president of search and content technologies for reuters , svp of search for aol , and altavista strategist .
There usually isn 't much money in that , which is why so many search engines-like altavista , infoseek , excite , hotbot , and , above all , yahoo !
Internet search tools fall into two camps : search engines , such as hotbot and altavista , and online directories , such as yahoo and lycos .
The real power of overture lies in the fact that the top few listings are used in altavista , america online , terra lycos , yahoo and more .
Typing " search engine " into the usual box might lead you to microsoft 's newly launched bing , the combined search at dogpile , or the former king of search , altavista .
Sites that could be affected by the moves include delicious , a so-called social bookmarking service , the venerable web search sites altavista and all the web , and buzz , which aggregates news stories from around the web and lets people vote on how important they are , according to a yahoo spokeswoman .