Past purchases of government and private debt have already drawn accusations of political pandering and distorting the allotment of credit .
Besides finding and penalizing states that take power beyond their allotment , the indian government is investing in infrastructure and raising prices on electricity , businessweek reported .
Devadas has demonstrated that small circuits connected to the cores can calculate the allotment of bandwidth and switch the direction of the connections in a single clock cycle .
It has given birth to two children , fed them , worked for its living and is not afraid to shovel horse shit to feed the soil on the allotment .
The dealer said he simply ran out of inventory , but a senior local official said the village had been given a full allotment of food and shouldn 't have run out .
But the supreme court 's direct criticism of the prime minister for failing to take quicker action over a request for a probe into the allotment process has brought a whiff of scandal to mr. singh 's doorstep for the first time since he assumed power in 2004 .
A scandal over the government 's allotment of telecom spectrum threatens to tarnish the reputation of prime minister manmohan singh , who has been publicly taken to task by india 's supreme court for waiting 16 months to respond to a request for a probe into the matter .