They are an essential public service , using public airwaves that come with public responsibilities .
In a country with more televisions than refrigerators , dominating the airwaves is crucial to being elected .
He also took full advantage of his incumbency , by filling the airwaves with advertisements extolling the government 's purported achievements using dubious statistics .
A television programme consisting largely of all but unwatchable monologues lingered painfully on the airwaves and then died , unlamented .
Radio and later television programming has been broadcasted over the airwaves free to anyone with a receiver for much of the past century .
The comparable figure for beaming live television over the airwaves is less than one cent a minute .
But whereas politics has become more plural since the 1990s , control of the airwaves has not .
State control of arab airwaves has shrunk in recent years , but the temptation to inject programming with propaganda persists .
A healthy blast of political advertising floods airwaves , billboards and the internet . Yet this is no cheery exercise in democracy .
In america it is more theatrical , with lawyers fighting their case over the airwaves and cameras filming battles in the courtroom .