airspace 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But the problem of limited airspace remains .
- 但是问题仍然在那有限的空域上。
- This is most striking in airspace management .
- 这一点在空域管理方面体现得最为明显。
- The aircraft came within 150 kilometers of airspace north of the disputed islands .
- 这架飞机在钓鱼岛以北150公里内的空域飞行。
- Taranis is a stealth vehicle that would be able to penetrate enemy airspace .
- 而塔拉尼斯则是可以悄悄渗入敌军空域的潜行飞机。
- The price increase was triggered by claims that israeli warplanes had penetrated syrian airspace .
- 油价上涨是因为有关方面声称,以色列军机侵入了叙利亚领空。
- The airspace and volcanoes in alaska are monitored very closely in that area .
- 我们一直都密切监控着阿拉斯加上空情况和那儿的火山。
- Britain has had an airspace in cyprus or rather an air base in cyprus .
- 英国拥有一部份塞浦路斯的领空,更准确地说是在塞浦路斯拥有空军基地。
- Each military regularly flies fighter jets in the airspace above the islands and each has scrambled them against the other .
- 两国军方都经常出动战斗机进入争议岛屿上空的空域,双方也都曾紧急出动战斗机拦截对方的飞机。
- Flight movements in ukrainian airspace have increased six-fold since 1993 , and yet traffic among domestic operators has only doubled .
- 自1993年以来,在乌克兰上空飞行的航班数增加了5倍,而国内航空公司的航班只增加了1倍。
- Another question is how uavs should detect , sense and avoid other aircraft operating in the same airspace .
- 另一个问题是如何检测、察觉以及避免其他飞机在相同空间内飞行。