

aerated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The conception , feature and different classified means of biological aerated filter ( baf ) are introduced in this paper .
- 介绍了曝气生物滤池(baf)的概念、特点和不同的分类方法。
- Some ghastly aerated chemical confection .
- 某种可怕的充气化学制剂。
- Pneumatophores are an adaptation to waterlogged , poorly aerated soils , allowing roots to exchange gases .
- 呼吸根是对充满水的、通气性差的土壤的一种适应,使得根能够进行气体交换。
- Do you know how aerated chocolate is made ?
- 你知道充气巧克力是怎么做出来的么?
- Spatial distribution of heterotrophs and nitrifiers in biological aerated filter .
- 异养菌与硝化菌在曝气生物滤池中的空间分布。
- The mixed contents are aerated for2-3days .
- 将这混合液曝气2-3天。
- Study on backwash of biological aerated filter .
- 曝气生物滤池反冲洗过程的研究。