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Robert parkinson , baxter 's chief executive , also expressed concern last week that the faulty heparin " appears to be the target of a deliberate adulteration scheme " .
We are constantly reminded that " competition is the soul of trade , " but we should be loath to think that such were the fact if the term " competition " is to be regarded as synonymous with adulteration , or , in plain language , robbery .
Most families of melamine victims accepted compensation from a government-sponsored fund but some have struggled for months to bring lawsuits to ensure compensation for future medical monitoring of their children 's health and deter food companies from condoning future adulteration .
To try to ensure india has the capacity to implement the new law , the government has increased the number of state laboratories for testing eatables and appointed more food safety officers to check food quality and hygiene instead of merely monitoring adulteration , experts interviewed said .
And dr. wiley 's sober scientific effort , begun in 1902 , to test his hypothesis that chemical preservatives in processed foods posed threats to health , reported flamboyantly in the press as " poison squad " experiments , made a growing audience aware of adulteration and of the pending bill .
Just how widespread was the adulteration of food and drink ?
Dr. harvey w. wiley becomes chief chemist , expanding the bureau of chemistry 's food adulteration studies .
Dr. wiley 's studies draw widespread attention to the problem of food adulteration .
He made the study of food adulteration his bureau 's principal business , at first merely outraged by what he deemed essentially harmless fraud .