
adopters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I can 't recommend it over a standard laptop , except perhaps as a secondary machine for techies or early adopters .
- 我无法将它作为优于标准笔记本电脑的选择来推荐,除非将它推荐给技术人员或尝鲜者作为第二选择。
- But entrepreneurs generally have a bigger goal in mind : winning over the early adopters in the hopes that their glowing reviews will attract more mainstream users .
- 但企业家们一般都会酝酿更大的目标:赢得最早的尝鲜者,并希望尝鲜者们如潮的好评吸引更多的主流用户。
- I think the early adopters have realized that you have to tackle social media like you are tackling a social , live event .
- 我想那些早期采纳社会化营销方式的公司已经认识到,必须像对待现场展销活动一样,对待社会化媒体。
- Google is doing its part to help early adopters who have chosen to ditch the combustion engine for an all-electric vehicle , adding the location of charging stations to its google maps service .
- 谷歌正在完善自己的服务部分为帮助那些选择用电动车来替换燃油引擎的早期采用者,在谷歌地图服务中添加电动车充电站的位置。
- The early adopters and trend setters are moving away .
- 早期的采用者和趋势制定者正在逐步流失。
- As quora is so popular among early adopters now I 'd like to compare them with quora . Does quora have the same or other advantages ?
- 鉴于quora在早期的先行者中非常流行,现在我将这些新的社交媒体与quora相比,那么,quora具备与它们相同或者其他的一些优点吗?
- But this has yet to take off , with many of the early adopters nursing losses .
- 但这尚未普及开,许多早期尝试者出现了亏损。
- It 's expected to debut later this year , and when it does , be there along with the other early adopters .
- 这个平台预计今年迟些推出,届时将会出现一些率先采用的企业。
- It 's particularly useful for shelter workers to know that appearance is often a deciding factor . They can then counsel adopters about behavior and other traits that might be overlooked .
- 让收容所的工作人员了解到外貌常常是决定性因素特别有用,他们能够据此就小动物们的行为及其他可能被忽略的特征向领养人提出建议。
- The typical clientele of lifestyle hotels , can be described as art and design interested , early adopters of fashion , media and technology who share a passion for quality or even luxurious living .
- 典型的生活时尚酒店可以描述成艺术设计,流行,媒体和技术的早期接受者,这些酒店热衷于质量甚至奢华生活。