But wheat yields per acre grew worse if anything as soil nutrients were depleted .
Jeavons also recommends potatoes , leeks , and parsnips for those looking to maximize calories per acre .
His ranch-style house in seven hills sat on half an acre , where he proudly grew tomatoes and zucchini .
Housing stock runs the gamut - from large seaside houses to apartment blocks to family homes with a quarter of an acre garden .
Most of these land acquisitions are in africa where some governments lease cropland for less than $ 1 per acre per year .
Researchers at the algae greenhouse plan to scale up the trial to a 100 hectare ( 247 acre ) site over the next three years .
Las vegas now pays residents $ 40000 an acre to take out their lawns and replace them with rocks and native plants .
The usda kept its yield estimate at 158.7 bushels an acre , the third highest on record .
Irrigation consumes a particularly large amount of water per acre for several reasons .
When city council finally decided to build housing on the section , gardeners and their friends moved an acre of topsoil to the remaining portion of the garden .