
v.装饰,补充穿戴装饰品( accessorize的过去式和过去分词 )
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- Since the dresses are black , they become versatile and can even become a favorite little black dress that can be worn for a variety of other occasions and accessorized with other types of sashes , belts , shoes , handbags and even through the use of jewelry .
- 自从礼服变成黑色以来,它的多用途功能成了人们的挚爱,它可以出现于其它各种各样的场合;还可以有各种各样的搭配,无论是腰带、皮带、鞋子、包包甚至是珠宝。
- Like they should be accessorized with a broomstick .
- 看起来都只能配扫帚柄。
- Within a mere half-hour , rooms go from bland and forgettable to bright and perfectly accessorized .
- 在仅仅半小时以内,房间便从平淡无奇变得明亮而且配置齐整。
- The design is unique , the fit is flawless and it 's perfectly accessorized .
- 设计独特,完美无瑕的风格以及完美的装饰。
- Danes long ago used the ashes of hay as a seasoning , so mr. redzepi does , too : they smell vaguely of popcorn , and have accessorized both an egg dish and one with king crab .
- 很久以前,丹麦人把干草灰当做调味品来使用,雷哲毕也继承了这一传统:因为干草灰闻起来隐约有种爆米花的气味,所以被放入了鸡蛋类菜肴,也用来和帝王蟹搭配烹调。