Schools in india suffer from rampant teacher absenteeism and high drop-out rates .
Previously published results showed 72 percent fewer suspensions , 15 percent less absenteeism , and much better reading and math skills based on state tests , they note .
Any degree of absenteeism would cause me to fail math and to lose my scholarship . I was so afraid of failing that I even pledged to abstinence from my abundant supply of alcohol .
The program , which is centered on activities to build character , only takes about an hour a week away from traditional education , but has led to fewer suspensions , lower absenteeism , and better reading and math scores on standardized tests , researchers say .
School closures would cause serious difficulties for working parents , lead to a 1 % loss in gdp through absenteeism and see as many as 30 % of nhs staff taking time off just when they are needed to treat patients .
A growing number of employers now promote wellness at work , both to cut costs and to reduce stress and health-related absenteeism , says jon denoris of catalyst health , a gym business in london .
Employers , however , had so far seen " little impact from the credit crunch on issues such as absenteeism , productivity , number of disciplinary hearings , working hours or conflicts in the workplace " .
Van laar also said the findings suggested employers could increase employee retention , get higher productivity and reduce absenteeism if they found ways to increase young men 's engagement and satisfaction in the workplace .