
Wiesenthal 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On monday , the simon wiesenthal center , a jewish rights organization based in los angeles , issued a statement expressing " shock and dismay " over the uniforms .
- 周一,西蒙维森塔尔中心,一个犹太人权组织在洛杉矶的基础上,发表了一份声明,表示“震惊和失望”在制服。
- When the wiesenthal center again had an opportunity to purchase the letter this year it paid $ 150 000 to make the letter part of its collection .
- 当西蒙维森塔尔中心再次有机会购买那封信的时候,却花费了150000美元将其买入并作为收藏品。
- He went on to work with simon wiesenthal , the legendary nazi hunter , in post-war vienna .
- 他接着和西蒙维森塔尔(simonwiesenthal),这位传奇的纳粹猎手,在战后的维也纳一起工作。
- This week rabbi marvin hier the founder and dean of the simon wiesenthal center announced that the center has obtained the original signed letter which had never been publicly displayed .
- 犹太教教士马文海尔,作为西蒙维森塔尔中心的创建者和院长,宣布该中心获得了从未公开展示过的原始信件并附带有希特勒的署名。
- This week , rabbi marvin hier , the founder and dean of the simon wiesenthal center , announced that the center has obtained the original , signed letter , which had never been publicly displayed .
- 这一周,拉比张建东海尔的创始人和西蒙维森塔尔中心院长宣布,该中心已取得原签署一封信,从未公开展示。
- Top of the simon wiesenthal center list is now ivan demjanjuk who is fighting to rescind a deportation order from the united states to germany .
- 在这份要犯通缉册中排名第一位的是伊凡邓加加,他从美国到德国一直反抗撤销犹太人的驱逐令。
- Following sren kam of denmark , the wiesenthal center lists klaas carl faber who worked for the german security service in holland .
- 在丹麦人肯之后的是克拉斯卡尔法伯,他在荷兰为德国安全局工作。
- The accused , who is on the list of the top ten most wanted nazis drawn up by the simon wiesenthal centre in jerusalem , was part of an ss hit squad code-named " silver pine " that hunted and executed dutch resistance fighters .
- 被告在耶路撒冷的西蒙维森塔尔中心通缉的纳粹要犯名单上高居前十,部分是因为他是代号为“银松”的冲锋队恐怖小组的成员,该小组的任务是追捕、处决荷兰抵抗战士。
- In a letter to umbro , dr. shimon samuels of the simon wiesenthal center said its " outrageous misuse of the holocaust is an insult to its victims and survivors . "
- 在写给茵宝公司的信中,西蒙•维森塔尔中心(theSimonWiesenthalCenter)的希蒙•塞缪尔斯称:“如此厚颜无耻地利用大屠杀是对遇难者和幸存者的侮辱。”
- Efraim zuroff , the top nazi hunter at israel 's simon wiesenthal centre , said he was " very pleased that the german authorities have taken this step " .
- 以追查纳粹余孽著称的以色列组织西蒙维森塔尔中心的埃弗拉伊姆苏罗夫说,他“对德国司法部门的这一举措感到非常高兴”。