Weill 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mr. weill 's longtime sidekick and heir apparent , jamie dimon , was ousted eight months after the merger .
- 威尔先生的长期密友和法定继承人杰米戴蒙在合并八个月后被驱逐。
- His answer was to do some things his predecessor had neglected , and to undo other things mr weill should have left alone .
- 普林斯先生的答案是从事一些他前任忽略的事情,同时将威尔先生应该放手的业务砍除掉。
- That 's not what former citigroup chief executive sanford weill envisioned when the company was created in 1998 by the combination of citicorp and travelers group .
- 在1998年,当花旗集团和旅行者集团合并成新的花旗集团的时候,这个前任的花旗首席执行官sanfordweill不会预料到今天的情况。
- Now weill cornell medical center in new york and the drug company baxter international have launched a much larger trial to confirm the early results .
- 现在纽约威尔康奈尔医学中心与制药公司百特国际已经启动了一次规模更大的试验,以确认早期试验的结果。
- Mr dimon learned when and how to pounce on undervalued assets from wall street 's ultimate bargain shopper , sandy weill .
- 戴蒙从华尔街逢低收购高手桑迪威尔(sandyweill)身上,学会了何时以及如何收购被低估的资产。
- Dr. ronald crystal , chairman of the department of genetic medicine at new york-presbyterian hospital / weill cornell medical college , knows those stakes all too well .
- weillcornell医科大学/纽约长老医院基因药学部门的主席ronaldcrystal博士,了解所有的这些变迁。
- Mr pandit 's desire to consign to the dustbin of history the string of consumer finance acquisitions masterminded by sandy weill , citi 's chief executive between 1998 and 2003 , was evident even in his choice of words .
- 潘伟迪先生希望变卖由1998年到2003年花旗首席执行官桑迪韦尔(sandyweill)一手策划的历史垃圾,即一系列消费金融收购的愿望显然溢于言表。
- Mr weill championed that repeal as he created citigroup through acquisitions .
- 韦尔在通过并购创建花旗集团之际,曾大力倡导废除该法案。
- That 's the conclusion of a new study from researchers at weill cornell medical college and cornell university in new york .
- 这是纽约康纳尔大学-韦尔康奈尔医学院研究人员的最新研究结论。
- " The crucial question is , at what point is ' wait and see ' no longer a valid approach ? " Said ross , of weill cornell medical college in new york , in an email to reuters health .
- “问题的关键是,这种‘等待并观察’的方法到什么时候就不再适用,”罗斯在给路透社健康栏目的电子邮件中写道。