
weeklies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Bizarrely , independent weeklies have always been permitted in zimbabwe .
- 奇怪的是,津巴布韦却一直容忍独立周报的存在。
- Last may , the polling company csa surveyed a panel of 600 people reading 20 major french publications : national dailies and weeklies .
- 去年五月,调查公司csa对600人进行了一项有关法国20家主要出版物的调查:调查涉及全国性日报、周报。
- Two of the four daily papers are to become weeklies .
- 四份日报中,有两份将改为周刊。
- It all begins when we choose which three stories from the latest crop of weeklies .
- 一切都是因为我们从最新的作物周报选择不定的三个故事开始的。
- For one , it is more expensive than most american weeklies , adding to its status-symbol appeal .
- 其一,它比大多数美国周刊都贵,从而增加了其身份象征的吸引力。
- When I couldn 't get in the dailies I used the weeklies .
- 当我无法在我用报纸周刊。
- The government-dominated press is becoming a bit freer , with independent weeklies and local radio stations beginning to speak out .
- 由政府主导的媒体正变得稍稍自由,独立周刊和当地电台开始大胆表达自己的意见。
- If you feel confused by the dailies , look at the weeklies to make a strategic decision .
- 如果你被日线图迷惑了,就看周线图,以做出策略决定。
- A person whose job is to gather and write artificial stories for weeklies , journals , radio or television and make them no as much as jokes .
- 一名为报纸、杂志、广播或电视制造虚假消息,并使它们显得不那么象笑话并以此为职业的人。
- The comic weeklies returned his jokes and humorous verse , and the light society verse he wrote for the large magazines found no abiding-place .
- 滑稽周刊也寄回了他的笑话和俏皮诗。他为大杂志写的轻松社交诗也没有找到出路。