英音  [tri:ˈest,-ˈeste]    
美音 [triˈɛst, -ˈɛstɛ]    


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In addition to milan , the mayoral candidate supported berlusconi in naples , trieste and cagliari have an emergency situation , turin and bologna are falling into opposition hands .
She is a pediatrician with the world health organization ( who ) collaborating centre for maternal and child health in trieste , italy .
Agnes kovacs and jacques mehler at the international school for advanced studies in trieste say that some aspects of the cognitive development of infants raised in a bilingual household must be undergoing acceleration in order to manage which of the two languages they are dealing with .
Also , in his book " the years of bloom : james joyce in trieste , 1904-1920 , " john mccourt succeeded in reinterpreting that intriguing city , where many languages were spoken and many races mixed , and what it meant for a young irishman in the early years of the 20th century .
Prof solow was one of a group of high-profile economists , including five nobel prize winners , who attended the nobels colloquia , a conference in the italian city of trieste on the impact of the financial crisis .
But I was born in trieste .
The trieste is now on permanent display at the naval museum in washington .
His father , johann , was station master on the southern austrian railroad , which had just been constructed between vienna and trieste on the adriatic sea .
Their submarine , the trieste , wasn 't hooked up to any ship floating on the surface water , as most deep-diving crafts are .