In a crude anticipation of modern plate tectonics , thales professed that the flat earth floated on water .
None of the failures seemed to signal an immediate danger , so the thales aa was not removed from service .
Thales all shit is water .
Project partners philips thales avionics lcd and the university of cambridge 's plastic logic could use the novel technology to produce flexible displays using existing factories .
Thales communications shall make good within a reasonable time the non conformities and submit the corrected equipment to acceptance as per the above mentioned procedure .
The broker cut its forecast for earnings before interest and taxes saying it 's no longer confident that thales can hit the top end of its margin guidance range .
However , in the uk , the most important western defence market after the us , thales appears to be facing a serious challenge .
Thales had other modern traits , for it also seems that he was something of an entrepreneur .
As a rule of thumb , to hit a well-defended modern warship a volley of more than ten subsonic missiles might be needed , according to an expert at thales , a french defence contractor .