
[təˌɡusəˈɡælpə, tɛˌɡusɪˈɡɑlpɑ]

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- Mr zelaya is holed up in the brazilian embassy in tegucigalpa , the capital .
- 塞拉亚现在藏身在首都特古西加尔巴的巴西使馆。
- Demonstrations for and against the new government continued in tegucigalpa and other cities across the country .
- 反对新政府的示威继续在首都特古西加尔巴和全国各地的其他城市持续着。
- 5 / 14 Tegucigalpa , honduras : riot police protect themselves with shields
- 5/14洪都拉斯.特古西加尔巴:防暴警察们各自用盾牌保护自己。
- Tegucigalpa , honduras : a customer looks out of a window while sitting in a barbershop
- 特古西加尔巴,洪都拉斯:一个坐在理发店里的客户目光投往窗外。
- Having initially vowed to fly home later this week , mr zelaya desisted , after officials in tegucigalpa said he would be arrested for treason .
- 塞拉亚最初声称上周晚些时候回国,但在特古西加尔巴的官员宣称他将以叛国罪被捕后,放弃了这一打算。
- A statue of ousted honduran president manuel zelaya lies on the grass in front of honduran national heroes in tegucigalpa .
- 洪都拉斯总统曼努埃尔塞拉亚的雕像被推倒在特古西加尔巴的洪都拉斯的民族英雄前面的草地上。
- Tegucigalpa , honduras : a supporter of the country 's ousted president , manuel zelaya
- 特古西加尔巴,洪都拉斯:一个该国被逐总统曼努埃尔塞拉亚(manuelzelaya)的支持者。
- Tegucigalpa , honduras : a man carries a weight of pork in las americas market
- 洪都拉斯,特古西加尔巴(tegucigalpa):lasamericas市场中一名男子扛着一坨猪肉。
- Tegucigalpa , honduras : ousted president manuel zelaya speaks to journalists in brazil 's embassy
- 特古西加尔巴,洪都拉斯:被逐总统曼努埃尔塞拉亚(manuelzelaya)在巴西大使馆与新闻记者交谈。
- With tensions high , the two countries met for the first match in tegucigalpa , the capital of honduras .
- 在紧张的局势之下,两国在洪都拉斯首都特古西加尔巴进行了第一场比赛。