
Superheroes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Is the outlook for newspapers really so dire that even superheroes have given up on them ?
- 报纸的前景真的是如此可怕吗,甚至超级英雄都已经放弃了?
- We 're a family of superheroes that gonna to help save the world .
- 我们一家都是超人,我们要拯救世界。
- Life would much easier if dog superheroes existed .
- 如果超级英雄犬存在的话,生活将变得更容易。
- As superheroes go , batman is unusual .
- 在各色超级英雄中,蝙蝠侠不太寻常。
- Enjoy the pain of your greatest challenge . - Superheroes aren 't real .
- 享受你的大挑战所带来的痛苦超级英雄并不真实。
- You really know superheroes ?
- 你真的认识超级英雄?
- They were portrayed as superheroes .
- 他们被描述成超级英雄。
- Why do mild-mannered economists have to become superheroes ?
- 为什么做派文雅的经济学家必须成为超级英雄?
- Once we know how we actually spend our working time , we should try to incrementally improve it and not pretend that we 'll be superheroes tomorrow .
- 曾经,我们知道如何真正地利用工作时间,我们要递增改善它使其不要成为一种假象,我们会变成明日超人。
- Are you secretly envious of your co-workers and friends who , like superheroes , never seem to get sick ?
- 你是不是在偷偷羡慕你那些超级英雄般似乎从来不生病的同事和朋友们呢?