

斯托达德(姓氏; Lothrop, 1883-1950,美国作家)

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A local news report indicated stoddard heroically stepped in front of his wife , who was shot but survived .
But to stoddard it 's a bit of an oddity for an electric hybrid bicycle , which he says usually focus more on comfort .
" We don 't know why plumage colors are confined to this subset , " stoddard said . " The out of gamut colors may be impossible to make with available mechanisms or they may be disadvantageous . "
Stoddard , however , argues that this is a reasonable request , even if facebook didn 't make the reasons for why it asks for this information very clear .
And cadiz , a big california landowner , is considering converting more than 10000 acres of farmland in the sun-soaked mojave desert for use as a solar park , according to richard e. stoddard , chief of the cadiz real estate unit .
Mrs. stoddard says more than sixty percent of the incidents took place in three countries .
They 're all components of a stoddard solvent .
They hugged each other , and dr. stoddard whispered in mrs. thompson 's ear , " thank you mrs. thompson for believing in me . Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference . "
Teddy stoddard stayed behind just long enough to say , " mrs. thompson , today you smelled just like my mom used to . "