
Starbucks 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Now , starbucks is back to a growth strategy and , unlike home depot , has global growth plans .
- 如今,星巴克已恢复增长策略,不像家得宝,它已经有了全球增长计划。
- The rationale behind this strategy seems to be based on the success of the starbucks via product .
- 这种战略背后的基础似乎是星巴克VIA即溶咖啡的成功。
- We used the naming guy that did starbucks to come up with trupanion .
- 我们聘请了为星巴克起名的人,Trupanion是他给起的名字。
- In fact , starbucks just opened its first store in india in october .
- 事实上,10月份星巴克刚刚在印度开了第一家门店。
- Starbucks ceo howard shultz has been outspoken on other issues as well .
- 星巴克首席执行官霍华德•舒尔茨在其他问题上同样敢于直言。
- Starbucks had become a brand that had been stretched beyond its demography .
- 当时,星巴克早已是一个超越自有消费人群的品牌。
- Best not to mention all this to starbucks .
- 最好别告诉星巴克这个惊天秘密。
- Don 't bring in your starbucks .
- 不要把星巴克咖啡带进来。
- Starbucks buys lots of fairtrade coffee .
- 星巴克则收购了许多公平贸易咖啡豆。
- Pepsi and starbucks share a problem .
- 百事与星巴克共同陷入了一个麻烦之中。