Speake 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I will speake good english !
- 我一定要讲一口流利的英语!
- May I speake to kate ?
- 我可以和凯特通话吗?
- Give opportunities for others to speake .
- 多给人谈话机会。
- Motorola t325 bluetooth portable car speake ......
- 摩托罗拉t325蓝牙车载便携式音箱.
- Last time , boshao said you should find a boyfriend he is cantonese if you want speake cantonese soon , in that event , must we find a boyfriend ( girlfriend ) abroad ?
- 上次听波少说,要想学会说广东话,就要找一个广东的男朋友,照这样的话,应该去找一个老外男(女)朋友喽?
- Such a man would speake in the name of the lord , saying " thus saith the lord , " as did moses , joshua , and others .
- 这样子的人会奉主的名说话,说『主这样对你说』,就像摩西、约书亚和其他先知。
- He could speake better .
- 他能说的更好。
- Anybody here can speake english ?
- 这里任何人都不能讲英语吗?
- I hate it when people speake with their months full .
- 要是人们说话的时候嘴塞的满满地,我就不喜欢了。
- Nice to speake to you .
- 跟你说话感觉很好。