sause 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- To avoid to produce infection of indigestion and gastric bowel path , appropriate eats the stodgy food such as decoct , blast less , eat dish of cold and dressed with sause and cold meat less .
- 为了避免发生消化不良及胃肠道感染,宜少食煎、炸等不易消化的食品,少食凉拌菜及冷荤。
- The tomato sause stained the table cloth .
- 番茄酱弄脏了台布。
- Finally : put the soy sause in the wok , and stir-fry , serve it in the plate .
- (最后:放酱油到锅里,继续炒,炒好后放入盘里)
- The seed vigor was as high as 93 % or so , which was not the sause of the low seed germination rate .
- 种子活力高达93%左右,它不是种子发芽率低的原因。
- Hunger is the best sause .
- 饥饿是最好的调味汁。