spe 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Cosmic rays ; neutron intensity ; proton flux ; energy spectrum parameter ; solar proton event ( spe ) ; prediction ; .
- 宇宙线,中子强度,质子通量,能谱参数,太阳质子事。
- Ed ( spe cuhk ) , teacher certificate ( northcote college of education ) , past experiences : secondary pe teacher , hk government assistant recreation and sports officer , vtc pe instructor .
- 教育学仕(中大体育运动科学系)、教师文凭(罗富国教育学院)。曾任职中学体育教师、政府康体处助理康体主任、职训局体育导师。
- This paper expatiates mostly the postulate of spe technique , types of filling and choices , tells simply the development status of spe technique , introduces the application of this technique to analyzing fishery drugs residue .
- 本文主要阐述了固相萃取技术的基本原理、填料类型和选择,简述了固相萃取技术的发展现状,并介绍了该技术在渔药残留分析中的应用实例。
- The y are being treated in spe cial hospitals .
- 它们将会在一些特殊的医院受到治疗。
- Determination of four sulfonamide residues in liver by hplc using spe .
- 固相萃取高效液相色谱法测定动物肝中四种磺胺残留量。
- So , w ho is ste v e n spe ncer ?
- 那么,谁是史蒂文。斯宾塞?
- Resonant two-photon ionization spe ctra of the van der waals complex c_6h_5ch_3 ...... n_2 ?
- 范德华复合物c_6h_5ch_3……n_2的共振双光子电离光谱