

[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 雷德梅因住所名称,可能来源于中世纪英语,含义是“红”(red)+北方英格兰方言,含义是“石塚”(cairn)

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Pottermore hasn 't struck a similar deal with apple inc. , said mr. redmayne , which means that its books won 't appear within apple 's ibookstore .
Redmayne , edmiston and others say the superyacht market has not collapsed entirely , though they talk of a " correction " and a return to " realistic " prices after years in which sellers could dictate the price of yacht and buyers could fund them with an easy loan .
Martin redmayne , chairman and editor-in-chief of the yacht report , the superyacht bible , estimates that 6-7 per cent of buyers cancelled new orders or otherwise extricated themselves from a purchase , although others simply slowed the production process and extended their payment instalments .
Charlie redmayne , the " chief digital officer " of one of its units , reckons many of the buyers would not have splashed out on print editions , so the move to a new platform has created fresh demand for books .