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- Couples planning to say " I do " at the riu palace punta cana in the dominican republic might encounter a few unexpected guests at their ceremony .
- 打算在多米尼加共和国蓬塔卡纳瑞优饭店说“我愿意”的情侣们可能会在他们的典礼上遇到几个意料之外的客人。
- Carmen elcira was 16 years old , sitting in a laundry room in punta paitilla , and drinking her fifth shirley temple of the evening .
- 卡门艾尔茜拉十六岁了,正坐在白蒂雅角酒店的洗衣房里,喝着秀兰邓波儿酒,这已是她今晚的第五杯了。
- Similar regional protests have occurred in calama , a mining area in the northern desert , and ( last year ) in punta arenas .
- 智利北部的矿区卡拉马也发生了同样的抗议活动,在去年,彭塔阿雷纳斯也发生类似的抗议活动。
- According to roberto fusco , chairman of marina di punta ala , 20 % of the boats have not been used this year and sales of fuel have fallen by 40 % .
- 据彭塔阿拉港湾的负责人robertofusco透露,今年有20%的船只被闲置,而且燃料的销量也下滑了40%。
- The property in costa rica , known as punta dominical , sits on a prime piece of pacific coastline about 30 miles south of the tourist destination of manuel antonio national park .
- 名为puntadominical的这块哥斯达黎加地产坐落在旅游胜地曼努埃尔安东尼奥国家公园以南约30英里的太平洋海岸的黄金地段。
- Other summer getaways include the exclusive and cool beach town of jose ignacio , or glamourous punta del este in neighbouring uruguay .
- 其它夏季度假地包括独特而凉爽的海滨小镇约瑟伊格纳西奥,以及在附近乌拉圭的极具魅力的埃斯特角城。
- This ranch , minutes from the surf towns of uruguay 's famous punta del este coast , has junior entertainments like wii , fimo clay and table tennis in the games room , as well as a big swimming pool , horse riding , mountain biking , and walks .
- 离乌拉圭著名的puntadeleste海岸得浪花小镇数分钟的距离,在大牧场的游戏室里,拥有像wii,陶艺和乒乓球这样的初级娱乐活动,也有大大的游泳池,马术,山地自行车以及步行这样的项目。
- Punta tombo has a colony of more than half a million magellanic penguins and attracts many other birds , most notably king and rock cormorants , giant petrels and black oystercatchers .
- 蓬通博有一个超过50万只的麦哲伦企鹅群,同时吸引了许多其它鸟类,尤其是王和岩鸬鹚,巨大的海燕和黑色的蛎橘。