
prospector 勘探者,探矿者
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- Unlike real resources , however , there is no as-yet-undiscovered , hidden lode a fortunate prospector can strike to disrupt the money supply .
- 然而不同于现实的资源,不存在那种尚未发现的隐藏的矿藏,幸运的勘探者能够破坏金钱的供应情况。
- For a while the scandal overshadowed other canadian firms , but the cloud has now lifted , says jens hansen , a prospector based in ottawa who attended the convention .
- 加拿大的矿业公司有一段时间一直笼罩在这个丑闻的阴影之下,但现在情况已经好转,来参加这次年会的公司总部位于渥太华的一个勘探者jenshansen说道。
- An amateur prospector in the australian state of victoria has astonished experts by unearthing a gold nugget weighing 5.5kg ( 177 ounces ) .
- 一位在澳大利亚维多利亚洲的业余采矿者挖出了一块金块,重达5.5公斤(177盎司),让专家们大吃一惊。
- Cnnc international ltd. , a chinese nuclear-power company , acquired licenses to explore for uranium when it took over canadian-listed western prospector group ltd.for 31 million canadian dollars ( us $ 28.7 million ) earlier this year .
- 今年早些时候,中核国际有限公司以3100万加元(合2870万美元)收购在加拿大上市的westernprospectorgroupltd.时,获得了勘探铀的许可。