Not far from a woman openly smoking crack , an elderly woman sweeps the floor of her plywood shanty .
Exports from malaysia , which include plywood and veneers , surged in the year after the 1995 kobe earthquake .
Formaldehyde , which is used in plywood manufacturing as well as embalming , was only officially classified as a carcinogen this past june .
In addition to flooring and plywood , it is made into fabric-for shirts , socks , towels , even diapers .
But mr. ye says those early days were ' messy , ' with prices of silk , plywood and other products listed on blackboards and jostled by arbitrary rule changes .
Made from recyclable birch plywood and stainless steel components , the chair uses non-permanent fasteners and can easily be disassembled , reducing its environmental footprint on a number of levels , from beginning to end .
Inside , everything except the plywood toilet cubicle was upholstered in a leopard skin pattern . Combined with the pilot 's aviator shades , it felt like clambering into the airborne equivalent of a ford capri .
Still , radar tests on the surviving ho 2-29 revealed " that they put some kind of carbon-type material in between the layers of plywood on the plane 's leading edges , " he said .
So when smith decided to expand his business to include bamboo flooring and plywood , he was patient .
Everything is a maze of cubicles boxed in with fences of upholstered plywood .