placed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Other rats were placed in shallow water , where swimming was not necessary .
- 而放置另外一些老鼠的水桶的水很浅,老鼠没必要游泳。
- The system consists of cobalt metal , phosphate and an electrode that are placed in water .
- 该系统由放置于水中的金属钴、磷酸盐和一个电极组成。
- The devices are placed in existing wastewater treatment lagoons that need to meet stricter environmental standards .
- 现有污水处理池需要符合严格的环境标准,该设备则被放置于其中。
- Placed together , the juxtaposed images are not only visually stunning but also of significant scientific value .
- 并列放置的照片不仅具有极强的视觉冲击力,而且具有重要的科学价值。
- If you want to see traffic , you collect info from automatic sensors placed on roadways and cars .
- 如果你想了解一下交通,你可以从放置在路面和汽车上的自动传感器上获取信息。
- Url trends has a nice user interface and well placed ads , so be careful what you are clicking .
- urltrends有良好的用户界面以及放置很好的广告,所以要当心你点击的内容。
- The second image shows hands on the hips with evenly placed fingers and relaxed shoulders .
- 第二张照片展现的是模特将手均匀的放置在臀部,并且手指均匀张开,肩膀放松。
- And , they are small enough to be placed in the microscope without having to modify the instrument .
- 而且,它们也足够小,因而能够无需调整显微镜而将其放置镜中。
- To provide shelter and encourage breeding , 200 dormouse nest boxes have been placed in the woodland .
- 为了提供庇护所,也出于鼓励这些小生命繁衍生息的考虑,林地里已经放置了200个榛睡鼠巢箱。
- These chairs will be placed within the grand entrance and further locations throughout the museum including galleries , staircases and corridors .
- 这些椅子将被放置在大门外,以及博物馆室内各个空间,包括画廊、楼梯和走廊。