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Piff and his colleagues suspect that the answer may have something to do with how wealth and abundance give us a sense of freedom and independence from others .
Experiments by paul piff and his colleagues at the university of california , berkeley , reported this week in the journal of personality and social psychology , suggest precisely the opposite .
In order to figure out whether selfishness leads to wealth ( rather than vice versa ) , piff and his colleagues ran a study where they manipulated people 's class feelings .
Paul piff , a psychology researcher , university of california , berkeley , and his colleeagues at the university of california , berkeley , conducted a series of experiments involving 115 volunteers who were asked to fill out an online questionnaire about their age , sex , socio-economic status and other information .
Paul piff , a postdoctoral scholar in psychology at the university of california at berkeley , says he has conducted studies showing that as wealth increases , people become more insulated , less likely to engage with others , and less sensitive to the suffering of others .
Piff and his colleagues found that wealthier people are more likely to agree with statements that greed is justified , beneficial , and morally defensible .
In their first experiment , dr piff and his team recruited 115 people .
Mr. piff explained that people in the lower rungs have more compassion for those in need than people at the top .
Keltner and piff recently speculated in the new york times about how their research helps explain why goldman sachs and other high-powered financial corporations are breeding grounds for greedy behavior .