Pedro 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Was pedro even killed ?
- pedro真的被杀了?
- How will pedro end his life ?
- 佩德罗最后会做出怎样的选择?
- What are the lyrics pedro ?
- 佩德罗,这首歌的歌词是什么?
- Pedro is funnier than paul .
- 佩德罗比保罗更幽默。
- The finance minister , pedro solbes , has a well-earned reputation for balancing his budget .
- 财政大臣佩德罗索尔韦斯(pedrosolbes)在平衡预算的能力上可是有口皆碑的。
- Portugal 's prime minister , pedro passos coelho , warned that he would scrutinise the final deal carefully .
- 葡萄牙首相pedropassoscoelho警告他将仔细问责最终的救助协议。
- Two paintings by pedro friedeberg from the collection also appear in the latin american art sale the following day , along with sculptures by dario morales and francisco zuniga .
- 该收藏机构在接下来的几天里销售由pedrofriedeberg创作的两幅绘画作品和由dariomorales和franciscozuniga创作的雕塑作品。
- The marketing consultant from san pedro , california , says she tried to be as nurturing as possible to her husband .
- 她是加利福尼亚州圣佩德罗的营销顾问,她说在她的婚姻中她对丈夫总是尽量像个哺育者一样。
- Candido figueredo , caught up in the violence of guns and drug trafficking in the border town of pedro juan caballero .
- 深入枪支和毒品非法交易中心的边境小镇佩德罗-胡安-卡瓦列罗的记者坎迪多-菲格雷多。
- So pedro vomits on his head , right ?
- 佩德吐在他头上了对吧?