[ˈɑzlo, ˈɑs-]
Oslo 变化形式
易混淆的单词: OSLO
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- Delegates from the colombian government and the farc guerrillas met in oslo to begin peace talks .
- 柬埔寨政府的代表和哥伦比亚革命武装力量的游击队在奥斯陆会面开启和平对话。
- The peace prize will be handed out in oslo on december 10 .
- 诺贝尔和平奖将于12月10号在奥斯陆(oslo)进行颁奖。
- Obama will travel to oslo , norway , in december to accept the award .
- 奥巴马将于12月10日到挪威奥斯陆领取这一奖项。
- Two other versions of ' the scream ' were stolen from oslo museums .
- 这件作品的另外两个版本就曾在奥斯陆的博物馆失窃。
- Obama was staying in oslo only about 24 hours and skipping the traditional second day of festivities .
- 奥巴马仅在奥斯陆停留了24小时,没有参加第二天举行的传统庆祝活动。
- In a small cafe in the northern suburbs of oslo I join holt for a late afternoon coffee .
- 在奥斯陆北郊一间小咖啡馆里面,我和霍尔特一起喝了下午茶。
- Ambassadors from all countries with embassies in oslo are invited to the ceremony each year .
- 每年,在奥斯陆设有大使馆的所有国家的大使都会接到出席这个颁奖仪式的邀请。
- The resulting oslo accords were signed in washington by politicians from america , russia , israel and palestine .
- 最终来自美国,俄罗斯,以色列和巴勒斯坦的政客们在华盛顿签订了奥斯陆协议。
- Relations with the arabs at large brightened after the oslo agreement between israel and the palestinians in 1993 .
- 1993年以色列与巴勒斯坦人达成了奥斯陆协议后,一般来说以阿关系还是令人愉快的。
- She and her wife have a daughter and live a life of some luxury in the hills outside oslo .
- 她和她的妻子有一个女儿,在奥斯陆以外的山区享受着颇为奢华的生活。