OLAP 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The core metadata is an adaptation of the CWM metadata definition that defines OLAP metadata in a vendor-neutral manner .
- 核心元数据由CWM元数据定义改编而来,后者以独立于供应商的方式定义OLAP元数据。
- Security can also be setup so that entire OLAP dimensions can be shared providing cache reuse and performance gains .
- 也可以设置安全性,这样就可以共享整个OLAP维度,提供缓存重用和性能效益。
- The Application of OLAP Technology for Project Material Prepare Accounting
- OLAP技术在工程材料预算系统中的应用
- Application Research of Aquaculture Information Integration System Based on OLAP
- 基于OLAP的水产养殖信息一体化系统的应用研究