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- Turicchi says the increasing number of de novo banks is being fuelled by the availability of experienced bankers cast aside as the industry consolidates .
- 图里奇表示,随着行业整合,大量有经验的银行家被推向市场,这加速了新创银行数量的增长。
- For shareholders , de novo banks represent a low-risk investment , with only four such banks having failed in the us in the past 10 years .
- 对股东来说,新创银行是一项低风险的投资,因为过去10年中,美国仅有4家此类银行倒闭。
- Novo nordisk , the world 's biggest insulin manufacturer , is especially ambitious .
- 全球最大的胰岛素生产商novonordisk的野心尤其大。
- Novo nordisk is at the centre of a biotech cluster , dubbed medicon valley , that stretches from copenhagen to malm in neighbouring sweden and has an annual turnover of 13.4 billion .
- 诺和诺德位于生产科技产业群的中心此处又被称为“医药谷”,由哥本哈根延伸至邻国瑞典的马尔默,每年营业额高达134亿欧元。
- Philip nichols , of the wharton school , points out that plenty of western firms have prospered in emerging markets without getting their hands dirty , including reebok , google and novo nordisk .
- 沃顿商学院的philipnichols指出,很多西方公司(包括锐步、谷歌和诺和诺德)没有行贿就在新兴市场如火如荼。
- Such de novo mutations are important because some of the most severe genetic diseases arise this way , and parents and physicians would typically have no hint that a child will be affected until after birth .
- 这种从头形成的突变是重要的,因为一些最严重的遗传性疾病是以这样的方式发生的,而且父母和医师往往不会发现孩子在出生以前将会受到影响的迹象。
- Many of his assets have been confirmed by independent regulators , he points out , and all his public firms are listed on the novo mercado , the segment of s o paulo 's stockmarket with the highest standards of disclosure and transparency .
- 他指出,他的很多资产都被独立的监管者控制,他所有的上市公司都在novomercado上市,这是圣保罗一家有着最高的破产标准和透明度的股票交易市场。
- Chris marinac , analyst at fig partners , an atlanta-based banking consultancy , warns that competition is increasing among de novo banks at a time when the housing downturn and slowing economy are making lending riskier .
- 亚特兰大银行业咨询企业figpartners的分析师克里斯马利纳克(chrismarinac)警告,目前住房市场低迷,经济正在放缓,这二者都加大了贷款风险,而“新创银行”之间的竞争也在加剧。
- Novo nordisk has the sheen of a global champion .
- 诺和诺德是熠熠生辉的全球性大公司。
- This innocuous , quite banal statement conceals a great profundity : that no structure in the living world arises de novo .
- 这种乏善可陈、老生常谈的陈述掩盖了一种微言大义:生命世界中的任何结构都不是无中生有的。