It wants huawei and zte barred from buying any american companies . And it urges all american telecoms firms purchasing networking equipment to shun them .
If these businesses have networks at all , they may use networking devices targeted at home users .
Through constant upgrading perl is now used for practically everything else as well , including all aspects of web development , system administration and networking .
Cisco , a giant american maker of networking gear , estimates that by 2015 there may be almost 15 billion internet-connected devices , up from 7.5 billion in 2010 .
In other words , networking human beings together could increase the intelligence of every human being in the network .
One of the better sources is cisco 's annual visual networking index , which was published on june 1st .
The authorities clamped down on social networking websites , restricting the use of twitter , which had been widely used to gather protesters and disseminate news and photographs .
H-p is the biggest seller of the server systems sold in high volumes to manage such applications , and the company has moved effectively into other segments recently such as computer networking .
The world 's store of digital content is now the equivalent of one full top-of-the-range ipod for every two people on the planet , following the explosion of social networking sites , internet - enabled mobile phones and government surveillance .
Hlzle also suggested that the efficiencies afforded by networking technologies - faster communications , fewer trips made by car , more productive working - far outweigh the energy footprint of the internet itself .