

nasdaq 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Representatives from nyse and nasdaq declined to comment .
- 纽交所和纳斯达克的代表不予置评。
- The nyse and nasdaq are the two major american exchanges .
- 纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克是美国两家主要的交易所。
- Nasdaq attracts people with its ups and downs .
- 股市起起伏伏,纳斯达克吸引无数投资者。
- Nasdaq would now proceed to shareholders with its offer .
- 纳斯达克现在将转而向伦敦证交所股东提出收购报价。
- The policy was similar to one first proposed by nasdaq .
- 这一规定与纳斯达克率先提出的一项规定类似。
- The dow and nasdaq just had their best months since december .
- 同时也是道琼斯和纳斯达克自从12月以来最给力的月度。
- The s & p 500 and the nasdaq also closed higher thursday .
- 标准普尔500指数和纳斯达克星期四收盘时也走高。
- Clearly , nasdaq also has an eye on its own doorstep .
- 毫无疑问,纳斯达克也时刻注视着自家门口的事儿。
- Securing facebook 's listing burnishes nasdaq 's reputation in the high-tech arena .
- 拿下facebook进一步巩固了纳斯达克在高科技公司上市领域的声誉。
- Nasdaq and the sec said they don 't comment on such complaints .
- 纳斯达克和sec表示,他们对这类指责不予置评。