Mongolia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mongolia 's rating was also cut .
- 蒙古的评级亦遭下调。
- Mongolia should not forget that .
- 蒙古不应忘记这一点。
- Mongolia knows its own appeal to global investors .
- 蒙古知道自己对外商是很有吸引力的。
- Undoubtedly , mongolia has a golden opportunity .
- 毫无疑问,蒙古拥有一个黄金机遇。
- Mongolia has the most horses per person in the world .
- 蒙古是世界上每人拥有马匹数目最多的地方。
- Mongolia is far from unique in having such a law , but it was taken as a sign of an incipient backlash .
- 通过此类法律的远不只蒙古国一个,但人们认为,此举标志着蒙古国开始集体抵制外来势力了。
- Falling global commodity prices have hit mongolia 's mining industry hard .
- 全球大宗商品价格下跌令蒙古采矿业深受冲击。
- Another emerging market that fits the same pattern is mongolia .
- 另一个符合这种模式的新兴市场国家是蒙古。
- A man in northern mongolia collects water in the falling snow .
- 在蒙古北部的一位男子在下雪天收集水源。
- This year the firm entered the balkans and mongolia .
- 今年,该公司进驻巴尔干半岛各国和蒙古国。