
Merseyside 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- La ? And merseyside ? What are you two doing up here ?
- 洛杉矶?默西塞德郡的你们两个怎么能在这碰头的?
- We were so alike . Similar merseyside estates , similar interests .
- 我们很相像,同样身在默西塞德郡,有着相似的爱好。
- In february , the air robotwas deployed by merseyside police after officers lost an alleged car thief who had escaped on foot in thick fog .
- 二月,一名遭指控的偷车贼在浓雾中徒步逃走,警官跟丢,随后,默西塞德郡警方布置了这种“空中机器人”(airrobot)。
- The first tranche of new zones will take in the west country , the midlands , sheffield ( where nick clegg , the deputy prime minister , has his seat ) , merseyside and two areas in the north-east .
- 首批新产业区被放在英格兰西部,米德兰,谢菲尔德(就是尼克、克莱格,副首相的家乡)默西塞德和2个东北部地区。
- This means the indian conglomerate is expected to keep open all three factories - castle bromwich in birmingham , lode lane in solihull and halewood on merseyside .
- 这意味着,这家印度企业集团有望同时开动三家工厂伯明翰的castlebromwich,索林哈尔(solihull)的lodelane,以及默西塞德(merseyside)的halewood。
- In europe , however , henderson signalled ongoing commitment to vauxhall cars , which are produced in ellesmere port on merseyside , and in luton .
- 在欧洲,汉克森对在摩西赛德郡的埃尔斯米尔港和卢顿从事生产的沃克斯豁尔发出了长期承诺的信号。
- But tony mcguirk , merseyside 's chief fire officer , upset some people when , at a conference held during the summer by reform , a think-tank , he said so .
- tonymcguirk,默西赛德郡消防队队长,今年夏天在由一个名为“改革”的智囊团组织的一场会议上说了以上话,困扰了一些人。
- Visiting hours are more flexible , thanks to shift patterns that public-sector unions resisted . At altcourse prison , a tidy jail in merseyside run by g4s , the biggest of britain 's contractors , wardens patrol without batons and address prisoners as mr , a civility that is spreading to the public sector .
- 在柯哥斯监狱(altcourse),一座干净的位于默西塞德郡(merseyside)由英国最大的承包商g4s运营的监狱,狱警巡逻不带警棍,并且对囚犯使用敬称,这种礼貌作法正在扩散到政府监狱。
- Merseyside police said a number of officers were deployed to the south of the city after being called to reports of disorder at 22:00 bst on monday .
- 梅西塞得警方称,周一英国夏季时间22点,在接到关于骚乱的报警后,他们组织警员前往城市南部。
- Until then , merseyside fire service hadn 't been much interested in social issues .
- 在那之前,默西赛德郡消防队对社会问题毫不关注。