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麦克米伦 (姓氏; Edwin Mattison,1907-,美国化学家,曾获1951年诺贝尔化学奖)

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Apple and british publishers mcmillan and penguin have decided to go to court .
Where mcmillan only has to worry about agriculture , other industries , from construction to hospitality , are reporting worker shortages .
Mcmillan and levitch want to know if the " no contest " clause would apply if katherine only objects to the executors michael chose .
In previous cases , mcmillan has found some of these patients were happy , had a sense of humor and wanted to live despite previous court applications to withdraw life support .
Tom mcmillan , a professor of clinical neuropsychology at the university of glasgow , said it wasn 't surprising this also appeared to be the case for people with locked-in syndrome .
" It has really helped us with our fundraising and recruiting efforts for our events , " said brooke mcmillan , livestrong 's online community manager . " But it 's not our first task . Our first task is to have people become part of our community "
I certainly am a mixture of robert kincaid and carlisle mcmillan .
Williams began talking and said that the last time he was in mcmillan 's apartment was on sept. 14 , 1987 .
" I think defense will always beat offense when it comes down to it , " mcmillan said .
While these discussions were initially a way to convert facebook fans into donations , mcmillan now sees those forums and social good as " the actions of the people in the community you 've built ...... if the organization builds a place that the community comes to , the good will come out of it . "