
Martyrs 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The abandoned martyrs of uganda church in detroit , closed by the archdiocese in 2006 , is an example of this decay .
- 位于底特律的乌干达烈士教堂是大主教管区在2006年关闭的,它是这种衰败的一个实例。
- So if the government does not act wisely , tiger leaders might come to be seen as martyrs to the cause of a separate homeland .
- 所以如果政府处理此事不够聪明,猛虎组织的领导人就可能被认为是为祖国的独立而捐躯的烈士。
- So the martyrs now had to carry on two incompatible roles neither one of which they would have expected : religious and commercial .
- 于是烈士们现在必须在两个互不相容的领域里担当角色,而任何一个都不曾是他们预料之中的:宗教和商业。
- Montmartre means the hill of martyrs , and a martyr is definitely what he now fancied himself to be .
- 蒙马特意味着烈士之山,而他现在绝对认为自己是位烈士。
- Images of " martyrs " who died in the uprising are still being stencilled on village walls .
- 在暴动中死亡的“烈士”的图像还印在村子里的墙上。
- A list of " martyrs " released by the taliban after the attack in kabul confirmed he was from that province .
- 在对喀布尔进行了恐怖袭击之后,由塔利班公布的一份“烈士”名单中证实,他来自该省。
- They also said motorists should turn on their headlights for two hours during the evening rush hour to " show their solidarity with families of martyrs killed in recent events " .
- 他们还说骑摩托车的人应该在夜间高峰时间让前车灯开两小时来“显示与事件中被杀害烈士的家属的团结”。
- Standing guard near the presidential palace , soldiers passed photographs of " martyrs " killed during the revolution through barbed wire to attach them to their tanks .
- 在总统官邸站岗的战士把为革命献身的“烈士”的照片穿过铁丝贴到坦克上。
- But it is clear that the undercurrents of popular unrest -- what led the economic martyrs of the revolution to such desperate acts -- have yet to be resolved .
- 然而,显然易见的是,民众动荡的潜流这种让革命的经济烈士采取如此绝望行动的东西依然没有得到解决。
- Chongqing 's change had been overwhelming yet I was not quite prepared for what I saw at the " martyrs tomb . "
- 重庆的变化已经让人头晕目眩,尽管如此,我对“烈士墓”的新形象还是缺乏思想准备。