Martha 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Martha graham started teaching dance at the eastman school of music in rochester , new york .
- 玛莎格雷厄姆开始在伊士曼音乐学院,纽约州罗彻斯特市舞蹈学校教学。
- After martha turned fourteen years old , her family moved to santa barbara , california .
- 在玛莎14岁时,她随家人搬到美国加利福尼亚州的圣巴巴拉。
- Martha : all these things that we 've been talking about hand such power to people .
- 玛莎:我们一直在谈论的所有这些事情,交给了人们这样的权力。
- While traveling across the midwest , martha enjoyed the wide , open spaces of nature .
- 在穿越美国中西部地区的时候,玛莎非常喜欢那里视野开阔的自然景观。
- After a two-year hiatus , our family went back to martha 's vineyard for our august vacation .
- 我们一家8月休假的时候回到了玛莎葡萄园岛,上次去那里休假还是两年之前。
- Earlier in her life , however , martha did not know that she would become a dancer .
- 然而,在玛莎早年的生活中,她没想到自己会成为一名舞蹈演员。
- Some groups are making this easier , notes martha honey , executive director of the center for responsible travel in washington .
- 有些旅行团做起这件事来举重若轻,比如说华盛顿责任旅行中心的执行董事玛莎哈尼。
- But miss martha realized that , unfortunate though it is , genius often has to struggle before it is recognized .
- 但玛莎小姐又想到,尽管这是不幸的,但天才在被承认之前往往都要经过一番艰苦奋斗的。
- Public opposition to windfarms , including a large project off the presidential holiday island of martha 's vineyard , has taken years to resolve .
- 公众对风电场的反对,包括一个玛莎葡萄园总统度假岛屿附近的大项目,曾花费数年才得到解决。
- Yet the criticism no doubt emboldened martha raddatz and candy crowley to interrupt the debaters for going on too long or off topic .
- 然而,这些批评毫无疑问使得玛莎纳达茨和坎迪克劳利在两位辩论者谈论超时或偏题的时候更有底气地打断他们。