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That task may fall to general khalifa haftar , a longtime exile in the united states .
If built , broad 's tower will reach 838 metres 10m higher than the world 's tallest building at present , dubai 's burj khalifa .
The downtown area near the burj khalifa , a congested drive north on sheikh zayed road from the marina , is also very popular .
According to dahlia khalifa , one of the world bank report 's authors , an important way in which mexico and other reformers have cut the burden on business is to shift bureaucratic tasks online .
The icelandic prosecutor investigating the collapse of kaupthing has examined a loan the bank allegedly made secretly to a qatari royal , sheikh mohammed bin khalifa al-thani , in 2008 to fund the purchase of the bank 's shares .
It rails against corruption , especially over the distribution of land , which has enriched members of the khalifa family and their friends .
Today , in sidi khalifa , abbazi has turned her house into a shrine to the fighters who fell in the battle for tripoli .
The company 's previous projects include the burj khalifa , the mao tower in shanghai and pearl river tower in guangzhou .
For its part , the khalifa family , which has more than half the posts in cabinet , presents itself , in the words of the justice minister , khalid bin ali al-khalifa , as " a buffer zone " between sunni and shia .
Emaar , which is partly owned by dubai 's government , is the developer of the burj khalifa , currently the tallest building in the world .