Keller 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Why 'd she connect with keller ?
- 那为什么会跟keller建立联系?
- Mr. keller , may I call at your home sometime the week ?
- 凯勒先生,我这个星期什么时候去拜访你家行吗?
- But keller and addate worried that we were misreading both the geologic and fossil records .
- 但keller和addate担心我们一直同时误解了地质和化石记录的意义。
- Drew 16 students last year , associate provost john keller said . Fifteen of them were women .
- 吸引了16个学生,副教务长johnkeller说,其中15个是女性。
- Even the flawed and forlorn figure of joe keller seems to realise that .
- 连犯下严重过错的可怜人物乔凯勒似乎都意识到了这一点。
- Timothy keller was born and raised in pennsylvania , and educated at bucknell university , gordon-conwell theological seminary , and westminster theological seminary .
- timothykeller出生并成长于宾西法尼亚州,先后毕业于巴克尼尔大学(bucknelluniversity)gordon-conwell神学院和威斯敏斯特神学院。
- Father , what are you trying to do ? Protect this keller ?
- 神父你想怎样?保护这个凶手吗?
- Life is either a daring adventure , or nothing helen keller
- 生命本来就是一场冒险游戏。海伦.凯乐
- Mr. keller 's final word on price , value , and cooking ?
- 关于价格、价值和厨艺,凯勒先生的最终结论是什么呢?
- No researcher , he points out -- including keller -- ever analyzes interactions between specific influentials and the friends they 're supposedly influencing ; no one observes influence in action .
- 他指出没有研究者包括克勒本人分析过在特定的影响者和被假定受他们影响的人之间的互动关系;也没有人观察过影响行为。