

kain 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Kain
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- He is the author of athena and eden : the hidden meaning of the parthenon 's east facade , and athena and kain : the true meaning of greek myth .
- 他是雅典娜和亚当:帕特农神宙东面的隐义和雅典娜和该隐:希腊神话的真实意义的作者。
- " First of all , I didn 't believe it , " said verena kain , a european organization for nuclear research ( cern ) engineer .
- “首先,这真让人难以置信,”欧洲核研究组织(europeanorganizationfornuclearresearch,cern)的工程师,维纶那凯恩(verenakain)说。
- We kain tek no cow wid us .
- 咱们可不能带头母牛走呀。
- Ah kain make out widout miss ellen .
- 我没有爱伦小姐可不行。
- Kain , gibeah , and timnah ; ten towns with their unwalled places .
- 该隐,基比亚,亭纳,共十座城,还有属城的村庄。
- Do you want to learn the secrets of magic that gran kain whispers in your ear in your nightmares ?
- 想明白在噩梦中格兰肯在耳旁教你魔道的秘密吗?